Since 1931 Sesia Fucine has been producing high quality forgings, according to customer specifications and drawings and/or international standards, for a wide range of application such as Oil&Gas, Nuclear, Power Generation, Military, Aerospace, Boilers, Naval.
Carbon steel, alloy, martensitic, duplex and superduplex stainless steels are used, as well as non-ferrous alloys (copper and aluminium)
Sesia Fucine is located on an area of 15,000 square meters in Turin, a historic Italian industrial town, close to motorways link.
The company has a cutting department, a forging department with hydraulics presses and a ring rolling mill and a heat treatment department of the latest generation. The quality department guarantees the continuous supervision of the production processes to guarantee the quality required by the Customer.
Sesia Fucine S.r.l., founded in 1931 by Mr. Celestino Sesia, a young and enterprising entrepreneur from Turin, began to produce the first forges in via Botticelli, on the corner of piazza Derna. Thanks to the dedication and passion passed on to the employees, Sesia Fucine grew rapidly until 1961 when the management was transferred to his son, Rag. Rinaldo Sesia. To encourage further development, the new generation decided to move the production site to an area with more space and dedicated to the development of heavy industry.
And it is precisely in Strada Basse di Stura that Sesia Fucine is experiencing its second phase of growth, thanks to its spirit of initiative, to become one of the leading producers of small and medium sized forgings.